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Showing posts from July 15, 2023

The Fight for Water

By Theodora Filis                     (Video: World Water Day 2023: UN Warns of potential global crisis) Water scarcity is an increasingly frequent and worrying phenomenon that affects at least 11% of the European population and 17% of the EU territory. Since 1980, the number of droughts in Europe has increased, and they have become more severe, costing an estimated €100 billion over the past 30 years. Everyone agrees that we are in the midst of a global freshwater crisis. Around the world, rivers, lakes, and aquifers are dwindling faster than we can possibly replenish them. Increased global population and industrial and household chemicals are also causing a decrease in freshwater. A drought’s impact is far-reaching and touches every part of our ecosystem, from human life to crops and vegetation, and even to livestock. Water shortages also affect wildfires; dried-out land can feed fires and make them larger, and a lack of water also affects the ability to put out the fire. Water pr