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Showing posts from July 13, 2023

Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water? No, But The Water Industry Wants You To Believe It Is

By Theodora Filis Bottled water is fresh from the mountains and induces health. Not! P ictures of mountains or nature on bottled water labels are not only misleading, it is also contradictory to the industry as a whole. There is no relationship between the image on your water bottle and the source of the water. The bottled water industry is loosely regulated, and water sources are not clearly or consistently revealed on product labels. Don’t be taken in by the pretty pictures. Bottled water isn't special. It’s just water. Plastic bottles (even BPA-free ones) can leach chemicals into your water. Bottled water companies increasingly use BPA-free plastic, but other potentially harmful chemicals are still present in plastic bottles, and they can leach into the water if exposed to heat or left to sit for long periods of time. Although both tap and bottled water have pros and cons, tap water is generally the better option. It's less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and le

Coca-Cola Capitalizes On Weak Milk Market by Charging Twice The Price For #GMO Milk-Based Drink

By Theodora Filis Coca-Cola has partnered with a dairy farm called Fairlife to launch a new brand of milk. “Who knew milk could be so spectacular?” grins Fairlife CEO in a marketing video. Lactose-free, with 50% more protein and calcium and half the sugar of regular milk, it seems Coca-Cola hopes to re-brand itself as a caring, family-friendly firm with ties to small dairy farmers. Coca-Cola's North American chief, Sandy Douglas, said to a crowd at Morgan Stanley's Global Consumer Conference last October that "It's basically the 'premiumization' of milk... We'll charge twice as much for it as the milk we're used to buying in a jug." The company's marketing campaigns use words like `natural´, `health and `wellness´ to have us believe this drink is good for us. But don´t believe the hype – a quick internet search exposes them to be pro-GMO campaigners masquerading as pro-natural family farmers, but this is clearly nothing more than a propaga