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UK Residents Not Allowed To Offer Valid Opinion On Fluoridation

By Theodora Filis

Last year the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SCSHA), in Southampton, UK, arrogantly rejected the overwhelming public opposition to fluoridation of Southampton City's water supply on the grounds that the public was too ignorant to hold a valid opinion.

Predictably, this resulted in legal action, by Southampton residents, on the interpretation of the law on fluoridation.

Southampton City resident, Geraldine Milner, took legal action against the SCSHA who, in 2009, made the decision to force the fluoridation of Southampton's water despite the fact that 72% of the public opposed the idea.

Inside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Mr. Wolfe, counsel for Geraldine Milner, said approximately 195,000 people in Southampton and parts of south-west Hampshire "would have fluoride added to their water whether they liked it or not".

Mr. Wolfe told Justice Holman that the decision to fluoridate Southampton's water supply was contrary to government policy “that no new fluoridation schemes should be introduced unless it could be shown that the local population was in favor”.

The SCSHA used statutory powers to instruct Southern Water, the local water provider, to go ahead with fluoridation in February 2009 to improve dental health.

Mr. Wolfe accused the SCSHA of failing in its legal obligation to properly assess the cogency of the arguments for and against mass fluoridation. He said, “The application for judicial review was not about the actual merits and health arguments over fluoridation. It was about the legality of the compulsory scheme”. The first of its kind in the UK for 20 years.
"Four out of five local authorities and three out of four local MPs expressed their opposition within the consultation process. "Ms. Milner is in good company, whether she is right or wrong", Mr. Wolfe went on to say.

As consultation is quickly becoming a universal requirement, the British Government, over the last few years, has had to admit that the people must be consulted when it plans to disrupt their lives.

If the Judge in the Southampton Hearing decides that 'consult' means that the public must take an active and effective role in deciding policy, then this could dramatically reduce the power of politicians to impose their wishes on the nation.

An overwhelming growing body of evidence point to Fluoride as being a toxic drug. Even the FDA has finally raised an eyebrow...enough to mandate that fluoride-laden toothpaste is a potentially toxic drug.

Many communities, worldwide, have fluoridated their drinking water for years, supposedly to fight tooth decay. But, John R. Lee, M.D. a fluoride toxicity researcher since 1972, calls that a myth. He further states the myth has been perpetuated via "clever propaganda." Dr. Lee has established a direct link between fluoride use, osteoporosis, and increased incidence of hip fractures in his report, A Brief Account of the Fluoridation And Hip Fracture Problem.

Regardless of scientific research and public opposition, fluoridation of water and toothpaste continues to be endorsed by various health officials and the American Dental Association (ADA).

How much fluoride are you ingesting? There's no way to know. Even if you don't use toothpaste with fluoride or routinely drink water from a source that is fluoridated, you still may be ingesting unknown levels of fluoride. Many commercial salts, sodas, juices, and other water-based food products may contain fluoride if they are produced where the water is fluoridated.

Geraldine Milner's action against the SCSHA is of far greater significance than most of us realize.
