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The Way I See It...

Lots of debates going on this month after consumers were made aware of BPA not only in their bottled water, but also their cash receipts.

Here‘s what the news tells us: “The levels that could be absorbed from receipts can be higher than those inadvertently eaten along with canned food and drinks or otherwise in contact with polycarbonate plastics. These plastics and can linings contain BPA, and it can leach out of these containers, even when they are used properly. Data suggests exposure from receipts could be seven times higher than levels ingested in the diet. This is because BPA is directly applied to receipt paper, and large amounts of the chemical can easily rub off.”

This is how we react:  Let’s go to Starbucks, and make sure you hand me my receipt - huh?

While Mad-Cow disease has been swept efficiently under the already bulging carpet with the nicely embroidered bald eagle on it,  cloned meats were being produced right under our very own snouts.  So uninformed and "unaffected" are American consumers that when the news of a British farmer selling milk from the offspring of a cloned animal surfaced in Europe causing a ban on all cloned meats, the American’s responded by saying the “British always take things so seriously”.

He who laughs last… “I see no evil, I hear no evil, therefore there is no evil” Ahh, that’s better. Latte anyone?

U.N. officials say the flooding in Pakistan is “the worst natural disaster to date attributable to climate change”. Over 1/5 of the country has been devastated by flooding leaving millions of people homeless and countless more dead. Claims that the floods in Pakistan are just the beginning, and that the world should brace itself for more of these devastating disasters, have conservatives claiming that global warming couldn't possible exist because "It snowed more this winter than it has in several decades - proving global warming doesn't exist."

Trying to get most American's to see the truth today, is like trying to get an illegal immigrant into Arizona…


  1. We are seriously hurting ourselves by ignoring these calamities. We worry about the trivial and ignore the important because the silly gets the headlines. Sigh.

  2. Previous comment from Denis Campbell, not anonymous, only way to post it.

  3. Thank you for your comment, Denis. I couldn't agree more!


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